templates/base.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% autoescape false %}
  2. {% apply spaceless %}
  3.     {% include 'templates/includes/header.html.twig' %}
  4.     <body class="body_{% if isHome is defined %}home{% else %}default{% endif %}" data-controller="core" {% if device is defined %}data-device="{{ device }}"{% endif %}>
  5.         <header id="head">
  6.             <div id="headMainTop">
  7.                 <div class="container">
  8.                     <div class="row">
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  10.                         <div id="head_right" class="col-12 col-md-9">{% include 'templates/includes/head/head_right.html.twig' %}</div>
  11.                     </div>
  12.                 </div>
  13.             </div>
  14.             {% if isHome is not defined %}{% include 'templates/includes/breadcrumb.html.twig' %}{% endif %}
  15.         </header>
  16.         <div id="headMainBot">
  17.             {{ menu_haut }}
  18.         </div>
  19.         <main id="content" {% if hideWrapper is not defined %}class="wrapper_dark" {% if isHome is not defined %}data-ct="{% if ct is defined %}{{ ct }}{% else %}default{% endif %}"{% endif %}{% endif %}>
  20.             {% apply retaille %}
  21.                 {% if isHome is defined %}
  22.                     <div id="content_top">{% include 'templates/includes/content/content_top.html.twig' %}</div>
  23.                 {% endif %}
  24.                 <div id="content_center">
  25.                     {% block body %}{% endblock %}
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  30.             <div class="container">
  31.                 <div id="foot_top">
  32.                     <div id="foot_top_top">{% include 'templates/includes/foot/top/top.html.twig' %}</div>
  33.                     <div class="row">
  34.                         <div id="foot_top_left" class="col-lg-6">{% include 'templates/includes/foot/top/left.html.twig' %}</div>
  35.                         <div id="foot_top_right" class="col-lg-6">{% include 'templates/includes/foot/top/right.html.twig' %}</div>
  36.                     </div>
  37.                 </div>
  38.                 <div id="foot_bot">
  39.                     <div id="foot_bot_top">{% include 'templates/includes/foot/bot/top.html.twig' %}</div>
  40.                     <div id="foot_bot_bot">{% include 'templates/includes/foot/bot/bot.html.twig' %}</div>
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  42.             </div>
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  45.                     {% include 'templates/includes/foot/copyrights.html.twig' %}
  46.                 </div>
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  75.     </body>
  76.     </html>
  77. {% endapply %}
  78. {% endautoescape %}
  79. {% include 'templates/includes/captusite.html.twig' %}